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1Insurance companies such as Manulife Financial MFC.TO will also be watched closely.
2Canadian-listed Manulife MFC.TO is among the potential suitors for ING's Asian insurance business.
3Eliminating the membrane, buffer and catalyst can make the MFC a practical possibility.
4Adding the functional compatibilizer during extrusions showed better mechanical properties compared to MFCs.
5Its MFC product is designed with MIECO plain board laminated on impregnated melamine paper.
6MFC Multi Frequency Code (Group III): inter-exchange telecommunications system used by Telstra (Telecom)
7In selected cases, the MFC seemed to be a better predictor of outcome than MIC.
8Smart Material Corporation of Sarasota, Fla., is the licensee and manufacturer of NASA's MFC technology.
9Telecom called this new standard MFC, or multi-frequency code.
10It was perfect for using Trax's MFC phreaking methods.
11All-Ireland MFC Final: Kerry can have no complaints.
12Two MFCs and four pneumatic solenoid valves were used for controlling the direction and measuring hydrogen flow.
13Microsoft said that its preliminary investigation showed only Windows 2000 and XP were vulnerable to the MFC attack.
14MFC Global Investment Management The firm named Chris Conkey as chief investment officer of the global equities team.
15Also, no significant difference in MIC and MFC values was evident for C. immitis and C. posadasii isolates.
16The relationship between medial MSI on initial MRI and cartilage degeneration of MFC on follow-up MRI was analyzed.